The Venus Factor Review: John Barban Diet Program


Wednesday, June 21, 2017

The Venus Factor Review: John Barban Diet Program

venus factor review
Hi for those of you that still don't know me i'm Stephanie Violet, writer, nutritionist and natural medicine researcher... But since most of you already know me i won't spend you're valuable time talking about me,Vernus Factor Is one of the top wieght-lose program for womens today's in the market place, because its combines healthy eating and dailly workout regimen to help you as women recapture your natural body shape, this weight loss program Venus Factor follows alternative methodes to loss weight which rely on the science of female body, which will help any women to reach it's ideal weight quickly, as we know there is so many diets that can leave you as a women feel tired and weak without seeing any real results, which lead you to leave using the product, in the opposite Venus Factor offers you the long lasting results, because it conforms to the way the women body functions.
By reading my review, you will be capable to get all informations you need to know about Venus Factor Program in a very open-minded, objective way and to make smart, facts-based dicision about if you will take this popular Venus Factor as your weights lose program or not.

This is Like an Index of What You'ill Find in This Blog-Post:

  • Who Behind the Venus Factor Diet Program?
  • How Venus Factor Behave?
  • What's inside the Venus Factor Program?
  • The results that you will get after using the Venus Factor Techniques.
  • Pros and Cons
  • How long does the Venus Factor program last?
  • Real Users testimonials.

Who Behind the Venus Factor Diet Program?

John Barban is behind Venus Factor, he have Human Biology and Nutrition degree from the University of Guilph (Ontario Canada), and he have the Master in Human Biology and Nutrition. 3 years of work as a Varsity Strength and Conditioning Coach in the same University. he didn't stop here h continue his learning so he graduated in Exercise Physiology at Florida University, he remained a professor and researcher there, he also have this training certifications: nsca cscs, ace pt, csep.
During the past 8 years, John Barban worked in Dietary and sports supplement industry, as a researcher and developer of weight loss supplements, here is some brands that he has worked on or developed:
  • NxLabs
  • ADS
  • john Barban Workout
  • Empowered Nutrition Products
  • Bluestar Nitraceuticals
  • Slimquick
  • MuscleTech

How Venus Factor Behave?

The beauty of Venus Factor Program is that doesn't require the woman to take any special pills or any expensive prepackaged meals, it's just provides you a healthy meal plan and a specialized fitness exercises that helps fat burning and work's in building lean muscles, by now you must think about what's the difference between Venus Factor diet and any other Weight-Loss programs currently on the market place that come with the same thing, okey the different approach is that Venus Factor diet focuses on reducing leptin levels in the female body.
John Barban say that leptin hormone is the major factor that causes the female body to become over-weight, so if you are able to control the amount of Leptin Sensitivity in blood, you can definitely lose weight by burning fat stored in your body, but the problem here is as womens get older, their bodies become over weight especially after having children so the female body lose the leptin sensitivity, i mean the woman body become more resistant to the natural leptin hormone, which leads towards fat storage instead of fat burn.
The Venus Factor diet is designed for women bodies, it completely works on a different approach (resistance of female body towards leptin) all that without fasting.

What's inside the Venus Factor Program?

There are Four main components of the system: the eating guide, a workout manual and schedule, the virtual nutritionist and a community membership. all components is equally-important, and users get the best results by applying all the four features in tandem of course:
  • The Eating Guide: like the title say in this part of Venus Factor you will find every things about foods that raise your leptin resistance as we see earlieri it will walks you as a woman through each meal in order to eat healthier. This part of Venus Factor program its not just for fat burning but it's helps you to plan your daily food by calculating the ideal caloric intake, then the guide will tell you where to start, and it will help you plan three meals, and three snacks for each day. the food you eat change every two weeks to help your metabolism. the other weight loss programs might suggest you to eat less, but Venus Factor program will sometimes advise you to eat more of a certain type of food to lower leptin levels. Many womens like the eating guide because the freedom to eat what they want within reason. The nutrition book comes with over 100 recipes for healthy meals and snacks that you can choose from.
  •  Workout Manual and Schedule: It's goes along with the diet plan that we talk about before, as you already know, if you want to lose weight then you need to do exercise but don't worry from that you wouldn't be able to do the Venus Factor Workouts, even if you are someone wo hasn't exercised for a while, it's obvious you will struggle at first by gradually over the weeks and months it will become easier, this is why this part of Venus Factor is the most advanced workout guide for a fitness program currently available in the market place, Venus Factor offers a twelve-week program that will guide you through every workout so you reach your ideal body shape, You’re provided with pictures, videos, and detailed explanations of every exercise just to ensure that you’re doing everything correctly. the workouts mainly focus on resistance exercises such as push ups and squats and especially the exercises where you use your own body weight as resistance.
    you’ll notice yourbody becoming healthier. the important thing is to remember that the Venus Factor program doesn’t focus on building big muscles, all the exercises are designed to reduce fatty tissue and make your body look naturally. Most of the exercises can be performed without any equipment, and they aren’t meant to be too intensive, The workouts are meant to complement the eating guide, and utilize the healthy recipes recommended on John Barban’s Venus Factor program.
  • Virtual Nutritionist: The Venus Factor comes with a handy little nutrition calculator. You enter in your height, age and weight and it tells you exactly how many calories you should consume to lose weight. cool right, Losing weight is all about burning more calories than you consume. Your body needs energy and the first place it goes it to your fat stores. So it’s really important that you are sure that you’re eating the right amount of calories so that you burn as much fat as possible.
    So make sure that you use the calculator as it’s really important for your body success!
  •  Community Membership: the best way to get motivation is from Venus Factor Community, becausle its filled with women just like you that you can chat with, Share inspirational stories, great recipes and break-trough's in weigh loss while you read the same from your peers.

 The Results That You Will Get After Using Venus Factor Techniques:

its obvious that is hard to say what kind of results a woman can expect from the diet, because each one of us as women is different from one other, since we have different type of bodies, its not rather uncommon to expect 10, 20, 30 or even 40 pounds of weight loss within first few weeks of using Venus Factor techniques.
venus factor result
John encourages you to look beyond the walls on this program Venus Factor, and gives you your target waist, hips and shoulder measurements to be in your best shape. So the kind of results you can expect from the Venus Factor system are totally dependent on your own effort. The more you are focused towards your weight loss, the better results you can expect from the Venus Factor weight loss.


prosThe good thing about The Venus Factor program is that it's actually works, well-proven and easy to follow approach with a "cheat" day or two to boost your metabolism, Unlike the other programs, it targets women issues such as hormones, lepton resistance and weight loss plateaus. It treats directly the cause of excess body fat rather than just the symptoms which means you can take the weight off and finally keep it off. also the Venus Factor isn't focused on expensive diet pills that aren't guaranteed to help you lose weight, the pills can also come with a host of unwanted side effects that make dieting and losing weight more difficult, Also by using the Venus Factor you can just the target problem areas such as thighs, belly or butt, even targeting celluilite better than many other exercise in the field, plus of that you won't need to pay a subscription in the gym or expensive home gym components (if you buy some will be helpful), All the regimens can be performed just at your home with no equipment(you can use them if you have any), i told you that just to be relax and don't worry about any hidden costs (we will talk about cost and money back later), last but not least you can access to Venus Factor community of thousands to help you when you wanna some advice, motivation or any thing you wan't even the Customer Support is 24/7 with maximum response in 12 hours. all of that just for 37$ or you can buy the trial for $9.95.


consThe bad thing about The Venus Factor program is that it's only for women (not applicable for men), it's digital ebook (i add it to the cons because if some people love the traditional book but you still can download and take print outs of the Venus Factor eBook), another thing is that there is some exercises that are unusual, which can make the workout difficult for beginners, but don't worry you will do them believe me because fortunately, the exercise guide is very detailed and contains pictures, videos, and descriptions of each routine exercise, maybe you will need extra equipment for the workouts(you can by some), The bench is kind of optional as you can just use a sturdy chair. In fact there are plenty of exercises in the Venus Factor that don’t require any equipment at all. 

How Long Does the Venus Factor Program Last?

Venus Factor diet is 12 weeks but with the variety of exercises, you may find yourself doing them for many weeks after. It’s very easy to fit in 25 minutes a day and the energy buzz afterwards will have you hooked.

 Real Users Testimonials Regard Venus Factor:

kelly hanckoc experience


After this comprehensive review of Venus Factor Program we can just say that this diet is a unique and effective way to lose weight for womens that uses good nutrition and specialized workouts to reduce body fat, i think that john Barban the creator of Venus Factor and his credibility alone is enough to try out the Venus Factor program, but you need to ask yourself if you are really commited to lose some weight, so i will told you the special key to benefit from Venus Factor, if you are willing to stick with it and follow the eating program, workout routines then there is one thing i can ensure you that you will definetely lose fat and you will get a long lasting results.

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