Causes of Dandruff, Best Shampoo to Get Rid from Itchy Scalp


Saturday, June 24, 2017

Causes of Dandruff, Best Shampoo to Get Rid from Itchy Scalp

Hi again, today we gonna talk about causes of dandruff and the best shampoo to get rid from itchy scalp, but before talking about that, let us talk a bit about the hair itself and what is dandruff, and it's causes

What is Hair?

Hair is a type of sophisticated, renewable tissue that comes out of the skin, Each hair is made up of non-living skin cells filled with a frozen protein known as keratin, the corneal substance. The texture of hair varies between the different parts of the body, as well as between the sexes, persons and any human race. In the curly hair.

What is Dandruff and It's Causes?

Dandruff affects the scalp and is characterized by white or yellow dead skin, and is known medically as (seborrheic dermatitis), the Dandruff give you unwanted appearance when it's falling on your clothes, which produces the unpleasant smelling head, if you itching the scalp, led to scratching the skin, which can facilitate the transmission of fungal infections and bacteria, so the disease may spread, and in rare cases may extend to the eyebrows and Lashes, ears, nose, and neck, that lead to redness of your skin.
Here are the top dandruff causes:
  • the oily skin: is the most frequent reasons of dandruff, and it's recognized by the greasy red skin covered by flaky white yellow scales, which affect your oily scalp.
  • Malassezia yeast: that lives on the most adults scalps. But, for some of them, it irritates the scalp which cause more skin cells to grow up literally to more dandruff.
  • Overgrowth of yeast: which generated by stress, hormones, or too much oil.
  • Sensitivity: some people have a sensitivity from certain hair care products ingredients, dyes ...
After we talk a little bit about hair and dandruff now we gonna explain what is itchy scalp and it's relation with dandruff, in the other hand itchy scalp is common condition which affects almost all people, children, adults, itchy scalp have many causes like dry and oily skin, fungus, bacteria, eczema and others ... in the opposite we can find many itchy scalp many shampoos that work as treatments to heal this condition. This is why i made this article and i will keep it updated over time with the best shampoos, so as a lady you will be able to choose from so many shampoos that help you to get rid from itchy scalp problems and we will cover what women say about this different shampoos, but first let's know the Shampoo.

What is Shampoo?

Shampoo is used on hair generally, and it's come as a liquid, which massaged into wet hair, and creates a lather that breaks up deposits of oil and dirt, after a few minutes the lather is rinsed from the hair, this is it.

Head & Shoulders Classic Clean Extra Volume 10.$99

This one has an average rate of 4.43/5 that 91% is recommended, because this particular product can restore the scalp back to its normal condition, also clean the skin. And it's the shampoo that I use daily.
head and shoulders front
So many women use Head & Shoulders not only because the affordable price that its offer, or keeping women hair clean, but because it's a surefire shampoo to eliminate dandruff which led to itchy scalp.
What women say about it:
womens head and shoulders review

Sachajuan from Sephora $28

sacha juan

Sachajuan for maintain the balance of the hair and scalp and to counteract of dry skin while remove dandruff and itchiness, which leave the scalp calm and refreshingly revived.
What women say about it:
sacha juan womens review

Irritated Scalp Shampoo 200ml $14.55 from greenpeople

Gentle cleansing action for oily hair, that helps to retrive an itchy scalp and reduce dandruff, which stimulates circulation in the scalp, on average lasts 3 months, the beauty in this product is that you gonna see the results in after one wash.
What women say about it:
irritated scalp shampoo review

Ginger Anti-Dandruff Scalp Care from The Body Shop 250ml = $6.72 | 400ml = $8.95

Ginger Anti-Dandruff refresh your scalp, it's had a great scent and works wonders for a dry scalp, it also helps get rid of product build up in your hair, and making it shine.
What women say about it:

Philip Kingsley Flaky Shampoo 75ml = $18 | 250ml = $40

philip kingsley shampoo
Flaky Shampoo specifically for relieve and clear irritated scalps of flakes and all build up it's a soothing shampoo, for daily use, and its surefire for flaky, itchy scalp.
What women say about it:
flaky shampoo

Shea Moisture: African Black Soap Dandruff Control Shampoo $10.99

Shea moisture
Shea Moisture shampoo gently cleanses while removing built up residue from the products you use in your hair, Soothes dry, itchy and flaking scalp, it builds in a way that help calm and clear the symptoms of dandruff, while kill bacteria, it's work perfect for ladies with extra thick hair.
What women say about it:

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